Turn Your Name Into A Million-Dollar Magnet

How to Attract 10x Success, Better Health, and Loving Relationships with

Your Million-Dollar Name




Are You Ready To Gain Serious Credibility, Cut The Failure And Feel Like A Pro, Be A Pro Forever!!

When You Know Your Name Is Aligned With Your Date Of Birth, You'll Decide Your Destiny Through A Power That Resolves Endless Obstacles Easily And Automatically

When You Know Your Name Is Aligned With Your Date Of Birth, You'll Decide Your Destiny Through A Power That Resolves Endless Obstacles Easily And Automatically


Many of us wonder if changing our name can lead to a change in our destinies. After all, we all want the best in life. There can be instances that the name you currently hold doesn't fit your personality. Find out the energy created by your names.


Each letter in numerology is connected with a number. The vibration between the two is calculated with the help of numerological values of the letters. These numbers can be used to evaluate your personality, life and even predict your future.


The first thing you do after planning to start a business is decide a name for it. You look for a name that means something close to you or represents your business ideology. There is a wonderful science behind naming your business.

Experience the Magic of Name Vibration: Transform Your Health, Wealth, and Relationships!

Experience the Magic of Name Vibration: Transform Your Health, Wealth, and Relationships!

Align Your Name with Your DOB & Goals

One on One Live Video Call with Mohsinaa Ahmad

Master Numerologist , Name Expert and a Guidance Coach

Experience the Magic of Name Vibration: Transform Your Health, Wealth, and Relationships!

Align Your Name with Your DOB & Goals

One on One Live Video Call with Mohsinaa Ahmad

Master Numerologist , Name Expert and a Guidance Coach

They Have Experienced The Magic Of "Name Alignment"

Why are so many people getting their Names Corrected and Aligned ?

Everyone born is influenced by his/her date of birth. You cannot escape the challenges the day of birth or life path number brings to your life but you can align and balance the negative effects through Name Vibration.

You are always under the influence of your Name vibration as it brings out your unique identity on this planet. If this vibration is positive and harmonious it brings about positive results, things always work out for you, its easy to get credit, love , loyalty, growth, recognition, success easily however if the name vibration is negative then you always struggle and never reach your mark or goal.. Even if you do it is very hard to sustain it..

Numerology is a corrective science that deals with letters and numbers. It tries to find a harmonious connection between the name (letters) and date of birth (numbers) that ultimately sync with positive energies surrounding us


Unlock The Benefits Of An Aligned Lucky Name

Elevate Your Relationship to New Heights
Improve your personal and professional relationships by aligning your name with your inner self. Enhance harmony and understanding in your interactions with others. Create a lasting impression and connect with people on a deeper level with a name that exudes positivity.
Find your ideal career and desired income.
A well-balanced name can positively influence your career trajectory. Unlock new opportunities, receive recognition, and climb the ladder of success in your chosen profession.
Attract Positive Energy and Luck
Your name is not just a collection of letters; it holds a unique vibrational frequency that influences your life's journey. With name correction, you can align your name with the universe's positive energies, inviting harmony and balance into every aspect of your existence..
Gift Your Baby a Bright Future with the Perfect Name
Understand the significance of choosing the right name for your baby, as it can shape their destiny and personality. Gift your baby a lucky and auspicious name through proper correction, ensuring a positive and prosperous future for them.
Self-Discovery and Personal Growth
Numerology offers profound insights into your life's journey. Embrace self-awareness and personal growth as you navigate your path with clarity and purpose. Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and personal growth as you delve into the depths of your true identity through numerological insights.
Finding Spiritual Alignment
How Name Correction in Numerology Can Help You Connect with Higher Energies and Inner Growth. For those who follow a spiritual path, name correction is seen as a way to align with their spiritual purpose and connect with higher energies. A corrected name might be considered more in tune with a person's spiritual journey and growth.
✅ Lack Success: If you have been striving for success in your career or personal endeavors but have not been able to achieve it, Name Correction in Numerology could be an option to align yourself with more favorable vibrations.
✅ Desire Personal Growth and Transformation: Change Name As Per Numerology can be a catalyst for personal growth and transformation. If you’re seeking a fresh start or looking to redefine yourself, a name correction program can support this process.
✅ Experience Consistent Challenges in Your Life: If you’re facing persistent challenges, obstacles, or setbacks in various areas of your life, such as career, relationships, or health, a namerological name correction program might help shift the energies associated with your name and bring about positive changes.
✅ Health Issues: While not a substitute for medical treatment, some believe that a name correction in numerology might promote a positive outlook, thereby reducing continuous stress and anxiety which will help for a healthy living.

Difficulty in Relationships: If you find it challenging to build or maintain healthy relationships, a name correction as per numerology could be explored to enhance your communication and interpersonal skills.

 Lack of Confidence: If you struggle with self-esteem and confidence, adopting a name that resonates with your destiny number might help you feel more empowered.
 Career Stagnation: If you feel stuck in your career and desire new opportunities, a name change might be considered to attract positive energies related to your professional life.
✅ Seek Emotional Healing: If you have experienced past trauma or negative associations with your current name, a name correction program can be a step towards emotional healing and liberation.
✅ Lack Visibility and Appreciation for Your Hard Work: If you believe that your hard work is not being recognized or appreciated, selecting a name that resonates with your true identity and showcases your expertise can establish credibility and authority in your field. This can result in increased visibility and a greater appreciation for your diligent efforts.

Meet Mohsinaa Ahmad

➤ Mohsinaa Ahmad is an acclaimed Name Expert and a Master Numerologist.

➤ Mohsinaa has more than 9 years of experience in aligning Personal names, Baby Names, and Business names for success

➤ She has helped clients across Dubai, India, Bollywood, UK, USA, Australia, etc. to get the life they want.

➤ She is a Coach for Women’s Empowerment and genuinely helps Women in different phases of life to let go of the limiting beliefs

➤ She helps people take control of their lives by filtering their thoughts to create clarity and Focus, Visualization & Manifestation, Claiming Their True Selves.

Mohsinaa's vision is to help each person live the best potential with aligned and balanced name vibration and empower them to unlock their full potential and get these benefits naturally..

Some More Success Stories


The Simple Answer is YES |

Our Names Have A Frequency Or Vibe Associated With Them Just Like Every Other Thing In Nature. When Our Names Are Aligned With Our Date Of Birth, They Tap Into That Frequency That Is Associated With Growth And Success.

The Secret Of All Successful People And Their Businesses Lies In The Power Of Names. Don’t Evade Success And Take The Reins Into Your Hands By Going Ahead With Numerological Name Correction.


✅ At Self Discovery, we are committed to ensuring you get the best results. Our sessions are exclusively crafted keeping your wishes in the picture.
✅ You shall get a one-on-one session with me where I shall be talking about your past, present, and future.
✅ Do you feel you lack peace and love in your relationships?
✅ ​Before I go ahead with the session, I shall prepare your chart in advance and answer your questions related to marriage, relationships, and career.
✅ ​​Along with that, I shall help you realize which colors are your lucky ones and also, which signature shall get your success.
✅ ​​Also, I shall help you understand why your name is not working for you and even get to know what your aspirations and expectations are in life.
✅ Thereafter, I shall provide insights and proven strategies so that you get the life of your dreams without going through the cumbersome process of changing your documents.

Don't Wait For The Right Opportunity To Come Tapping At Your Door, Instead Make Every Opportunity Right With A Correct And ALIGNED NAME.

If You Are Facing Challenges In Various Aspects Of Your Life?

If You Feel That Something Is Blocking Your Success And Happiness

SO, STOP WASTING YOUR TIME Choose An Abundant Life |

✅ Energy reading to identify emotional and mental blockages.
✅ Matching the energy of your name with your personal goals.
✅ Checking the alignment of your chakras.
✅ ​Checking for negative energy (Evil Eye) or harmful influences. 
✅ ​​Intuitive reading to address a specific question.
✅ ​​Identifying your strengths and weaknesses
✅ Detailed chart preparation to explore significant timelines in your past, present, and future.

Total Value = $420

Special Offer for Today Only: $210


Still, Got Questions? We’ve Got You Covered

According to Numerology Science, every letter in your name represent a number, and every number has its vibrations. Your name vibration is a sum total of all the alphabets in your name which has a big influence on your personality and life. Your date of birth has to be in sync with your name because only friendly numbers and its vibration will suit you best and give extraordinary results.

Name correction according to numerology means adding or subtracting an alphabet in your first name or last name so your name is the best name number vibration according to your date of birth.

No one can predict the future except GOD alone. But, yes it can reveal the numbers and planetary vibrations that are influencing your life. By understanding the impact of those numbers, I can conclude the nature of events happening to you and within you at any given time.
Also, Numerology is a corrective method that helps you to achieve the best potential in life through Numerological Name Correction and Alignment.
Both must be used to know the complete and accurate story of your life.
In numerology, what all I will need from you, is the date of birth; full birth-certificate name; and your first and last name before and after marriage to Create your Life Chart and give you the reading.
Once the Funds are Received, Mohsinaa takes about 3-4 days to create your Chart and schedule your Appointment. You can choose and book your appointment and choose the time from the calendar link.
It takes about 5 days to four months for the new vibration of a name to take effect. Once you have successfully aligned with your date of birth you will start noticing results every day. A name change is a very specialized service and it needs a detailed analysis of the name and date of birth of a person. A new name will start sending vibrations in the universe and it will attract natural well being, good relationships, credibility and success.